Friday, July 31, 2009

Les petite arbres

These little saplings spread their branches in joy for the creative center of Adeta

Here you go, the final result of months of hard work and dedication to the idea of installing a place in this community where creative souls can promote themselves. We all need a little shelter to house our true colors we use to paint the world.

Aglame, the president of APAEC and I present to you the new center for creativity. It was through perseverance, patience, and creative solutions that success was discovered.

Even the smallest of Adeta's members were present at the unveiling of possibilities for their future endeavors.

The ribbon cutting ceremony with the traditional chiefs

Frederick, member of the NGO APAEC, presents the function of the center to the community.

A tree was planted to harbor the beautiful birds of a town in Togo

Stay tuned to see what treasures can be found here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

almost there

Here is where the construction lies as the styling crew puts on the final touches.

"Makeup! I need to be ready for my curtain call!"

A couple of the seamstresses in town in front of the exhibition hall that will promote thier trade.

Rallying the troops

When you are faced with motivating an entire community to complete a construction, sometimes you just have to run with it to chase them down. This project has been a month of running around, checking up, convincing participation, programming the work day to day and dealing with all the many obstacles that life and work in Togo throws at you. Perseverance...Patience...and Permanence
I am by no means a passive worker, so as you can see when you can fight the difficulties and kinks in the construction by managing verbally, you tie on the shoes and run with them. Here I am checking on the arrival of the next load of sand needed to finish the plaster work on the interior and exterior. I jumped in to make sure they carried it back to the site in due time. I noticed that whenever I was present, there was more of an effort to get things done. It doesn't hurt to just be there as a reminder that your invested in the project.
The sandmen and I as we go off into the brush to dig up some of mother earth to use for the plaster work.

The carpenter has been working hard on the large door with it's decorative logo that will be placed on the center once the work is complete.

sorry to keep you waiting

Sorry for the delay

I have about 10 posts to upload that run along with the programmings of the construction but due to unforeseen electricity cuts and Internet capacity issues I have been unable to keep on track. Please excuse my tardiness as I finish the reporting on this project.

I will be working in reverse from here and reflect on the second half of the construction in the following posts..but to give you a sneak peak behind who's responsible for the majority of the construction here is a glimpse at the three masons who toiled and slapped on the plaster to get the project completed.

The masons sit inside the finished construction as it waits for its makeup artists to get it ready for its curtain call.

Update: Painting and the installation of the carved door and windows are currently taking place.